F.A.Q. – Game

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  • 1. When using the Necromantic ritual, The Servant Undying, does the Retainer rise as a common 2/3-point zombie with a special purpose, or it become a zombie Retainer with the equivalent level of NPC level as it had in life?

    The Servant Undying says nothing about changing the level of your retainer, only transforming it into a zombie. This is a special exception to the standard 2/3 point Zombies created by The Bone Path: Shambling Hordes.

  • 2. Do skills have mechanical advantages for characters that cannot benefit from their listed special effects?

    Yes, ALL skills have the capability of being used in mundane challenges that the storyteller might call for. In the example, Survival might be used for tracking or finding food in the wilderness.

  • 3. Do the animals in Pied Piper follow when you are separated from your body? What about other flaws like Eerie Presence?

    Yes. These flaw travels with the spirit of the individual in Possession or Astral Projection.  Ultimately, it is up to the ST to make sure the flaw is expressed properly.

  • 4. How many extra influence actions does the Ventrue merit Paragon give you

    One extra action per category of influence you control. There are two influence categories, Elite and Underworld, so the maximum number of extra actions gained from the Paragon merit is two.

  • 5. Can retainers made with the Tzimisce merit Szlachta be given to other characters?


  • 6. Assist Defender: If I have been subject to two physical attacks during mass combat, can I use the assist defender action to completely negate a physical attack on someone else, because I am not a valid target?

    If you choose to accept an attack from another attacker, exceeding the normal two physical attack limit, then you can be damaged.

  • 7. Can I achieve an exceptional success with Aura of Command?

    Aura of Command grants a Ventrue an automatic success against mortals. Should the player want to try for an exceptional success, she may elect to engage in the appropriate challenge as normal. However, this introduces the possibility of failure, as with any normal test.

  • 8. Do separate sources of damage stack together when delivered at the same time or with the same attack for the purpose of being reduced by Fortitude (e.g., Flesh of the Fiery Touch and Personal Armor, or Grapple using Force and Necrosis)?

    If the damage is simultaneous (i.e., it results from the same action), it is considered to be one instance of taking damage.If you spent a standard action to punch someone and that person had Flesh of Fiery Touch and Personal Armor active, you would suffer both sources of damage at the same time and your Fortitude would only be applied once.If I used my standard action to punch you, used my simple action to activate a power that increases the damage, and used my standard action in the next round to punch you again with that power activated, you would apply your Fortitude to each damage source.

  • 9. Are powers that modify other powers, such as Vanish modifying Unseen Presence, active when in a situation where you can only use level one and two powers, such as Astral Projection or Possession?


  • 10. What level of blood bond counts as being “blood bound” for powers like Summon or Crimson Fury?

    Both Crimson Fury and the Manipulation focus of Summon function on a character who is at least one point bound to you. A level one blood bond is enough to trigger a power that requires a blood bond unless the text specifies a higher level requirement.

  • 11. When using the ritual Engaging the Vessel of Transference, which appears on page 203, what is the smallest and largest size that the Vessel may be in metric units?

    Converting the rule into the metric system, you are allowed to make a Vessel between 240 Milliliters and 4 Liters.

  • 12. Can a wraith pierce a Vampire’s Obfuscate from the Shadowlands? Was your intent to limit a wraith’s ability to affect the physical plane exclusively to Dementation? When a vampire uses Obfuscate in the physical world, does it impact wraiths’ ability to view the vampire from the Shadowlands?

    The description of wraiths on page 500 says that “With the exception of the first 2 dots of Dementation, which can be targeted and take affect ‘across the Shroud,’ wraiths cannot attack or use powers on individuals in the real world unless the wraith manifests.”Later in the description it says, “Wraiths may purchase specializations in Dementation, Dominate, Chimerstry, Potence, Presence, Obfuscate, Obtenebration, and Thaumaturgy: Movement of the Mind.”A wraith cannot pierce a vampire’s Obfuscate across the Shroud because it cannot use powers (other than Dementation) without manifesting and because Wraiths do not have access to Auspex. If a Wraith observed a vampire as she attempted to use Obfuscate, it could employ mundane investigation to continue to her, since that doesn’t involve the use of a power.In general, we designed Wraiths to have a very limited ability to mess with vampires unless they manifest. This helps us avoid situations in which a simple retainer could easily own most Player Characters.

  • 13. Can you explain how you intended Monologue, which appears on page 229, to work? Depending how you read the Technique, it either lasts a maximum of 15 seconds (assuming 5 dots in Subterfuge), or it lasts as long as you keep talking.

    The second line in the power’s description says that “Monologue lasts for one full turn for each dot of the Subterfuge skill you possess or until you stop talking.” Later in the description it says “…as long as you continue talking, or until you reach the maximum duration allowed by your Subterfuge skill.” You may use Monologue for as long as you keep talking, to the maximum duration allowed by your Subterfuge skill. Therefore, if you have Subterfuge 5, you may use Monologue for a full five turns, or you may choose to cease using it before those five turns are up. However, Monologue cannot indefinitely postpone further action as long as you keep talking.

  • 14. The Necromancy and Thaumaturgy sidebar on page 112 says: “To purchase a path of Thaumaturgy or Necromancy, your character must possess a specific merit that allows her to do so…” Is this ever optional?

    No. Under no circumstances may you buy a path of Thaumaturgy or Necromancy without a merit.

  • 15. Cost to Play?

    Each monthly game you attend is $10. You can pre-pay using PayPal or pay onsite with cash or PayPal. And the first month is absolutely FREEE.

  • 16. If a Retainer is a ghoul, must I have a higher level of a Discipline than the ghoul for the ghoul to fully specialize in that discipline? Take, for example, a Brujah with 1 Celerity who buys a 3-point ghoul Retainer. Can that ghoul have 3 Celerity?

    No, your character does not need to have a higher level of a Discipline than her ghoul. Your ghoul can learn one Discipline by itself as long as it has blood that’s capable of manifesting that Discipline. Therefore, in your example, the Brujah’s ghoul can have 3 Celerity even though its domitor only has 1 Celerity.

  • 17. If a Retainer is not a ghoul (e.g., a Giovanni wraith), are they still bound by the single Discipline rule? This does not seem to be the case for the sample wraiths.

    Other than the free powers they get based on type, yes, they are still bound by the single Discipline rule.

  • 18. Silence of Death vs Melpominee: Giving a 1-dot discipline the power to shut down a whole rare discipline set is a little much. Can you explain why you made this choice?

    Silence of Death prevents you from being targeted by Death of the Drum (at least, not more than once). We did consciously allow Silence of Death to foil Death of the Drum to better balance the game. Death of the Drum is the only Social vs. Social attack in the game, and with it, you can damage someone who has already been hit by two physical attacks in the round. Furthermore, it does more aggravated damage than Horrid Reality. Its downside is that it has an Achilles Heel in Silence of Death.Death of the Drum uses sound waves like a bullet. Plugging your ears will not keep the sound waves from hitting you, but using a discipline that kills sound waves effectively swats the bullet out of the air.This is distinct from Thaumaturgy because Thaumaturgy requires you to say words and make mystical gestures. The fact that I can’t hear your words is no more damaging to your use of Thaumaturgy than if I turn out the lights so that I can’t see the mystic symbols you’re making with your hands.

  • 19. In MET: VTM, page 153, there is a list of several consequences of what happens when people fail a social test to break to break Majesty. This page also lists penalties for when a Majesty user attacks someone, breaking their Majesty. However, there is no information about how long Majesty remains broken for people who succeed in a social test to break it. Can you provide clarification for this? Do people need to test against Majesty for every attack? Does it break for an hour, as it does when the user breaks it? Is it 10 minutes?

    Breaking Majesty has the same effect no matter how it is broken. When Majesty is broken, either by an individual who is able to succeed in a social test to break it or by the Majesty user, individuals are rendered immune to the user’s Majesty for the next hour. Whoever breaks Majesty can treat you as she would normally, even attacking you, as she sees fit.

  • 20. Do Feral Claws stack with Shape of the Beast and/or Shape of Beast’s Wrath? Specifically, does the +1 Brawl pool from the Feral Claws Wits focus stack?


  • 21. Do incendiary rounds, fire, or fire-based attacks work in Shroud of Night?

    Yes, they do. Shroud of Night does not inhibit the damaging effect of fire or incendiary rounds. However, it does obscure the light of these attacks within it.

  • 22. Can you sense an Obfuscated person in the building with Visceratika?

    Visceratika does not directly pierce the Obfuscation effect, but it does allow you to know the number of creatures in the building and their general location, even if they are Obfuscated.

  • 23. Can you sense an electronic device that is concealed by Obfuscate with Technomancy?

    You can sense an electronic device in the general area, but you can’t locate it until you have a way to pierce the Obfuscate.

  • 24. How long can you maintain a telepathic link with an unwilling target before the link breaks and you have to make another Mental challenge?

    From Telepathy on MET: VTM page 120: “If you succeed, your character can send one image or a brief message (something you could say in less than 10 seconds) to the target.”

  • 25. Is the technique Animal Swarm a transformative power? Can it be combined with the Gangrel Clan Merit Shape of the Beast’s Wrath?

    Animal Swarm modifies the Protean discipline Shape of the Beast, giving you the option to turn into several smaller animals. Since Animal Swarm only modifies Shape of the Beast, and Shape is clearly a transformative power, you wouldn’t be able to combine Animal Swarm with Shape of the Beast’s Wrath.

  • 26. Page 216 states: “Tyrant’s Gaze can be used to lock down a discipline power, elder power, technique, or ritual.” As written, the Countermagic merit is none of the above. Can Tyrant’s Gaze prevent its use?

    Some merits, specifically merits that require the expenditure of Blood points, are considered powers, but they are not considered “discipline powers,” since they are not part of a discipline. With that in mind, Tyrant’s Gaze is unable to affect a merit power.

  • 27. How does Majesty’s Appearance focus work once I attack another character with Majesty?

    Majesty’s Appearance focus allows you to ignore the Majesty of other characters while your Majesty is active. If you choose to attack someone, your Majesty breaks for that character, but your Majesty is still considered active, allowing you to continue taking advantage of its Appearance focus.

  • 28. Penetrate Alternate IDs?


    I've heard ST's have permitted pc's to penetrate other pc's Alternate ID. What is the mechanics for this? The book says a level 3 is immune to non supernatural probing and level 5 is impervious to even supernatural interrogation. How does it work at AIT?


    Players can find details on Alternate ID on pg. 98 on the BNS rules.

    For AIT, breaking an Alt ID requires some heavy role playing! You need to work at investigating the backgrounds of players around you. How much you investigate and how strong their background is will affect the outcome! Poke it...see what happens.
