Brujah – Don Cruez
Critias, 5th Generation Brujah known as “Don Cruez” – Brujah Justicar
In his fourth term as a Justicar he has shown his primary interest to lie with the destruction of the Sabbat and the rooting out of all of it’s infiltrators he can find. Well known to be a religious zealot. At one point masqueraded as Don Cruez as a 10th Gen Brujah Anttiribu to root out Sabbat in the Chicago, Il area. He is considered a Dreamer and a Crusader.
Critias’ Archons:
- Sebastian Young – Brujah – former Prince of Atlanta. After spending a few months in the Atlanta area last year, Archon Young is once more warring against the Mexican Sabbat.
- Brand – Brujah – Don Cruez’s enforcer and Convincer.
- Tanit – Brujah – Based in Boston, involved in war against New York Sabbat.
- Theodore Bell – Enforcer. Where the Sabbat are, Bell is killing them.
Gangrel – Morrigan
Morrigan, 6th Generation Gangrel – Gangrel Justicar
One of the first female Kindred to be selected as a Justicar, Morrigan has served since 1712. She is noted for her extreme competence and uncanny knack for being in the right place at the right time, as well as for being continually absent at other times.
Morrigan’s Archons:
- Ruedigger Vaatz – Gangrel – Operating in and around South Africa
- Rhiannon Khernuel – Gangrel – Operating worldwide as Morrigan’s eyes and ears
- Jonathan Alder – Gangrel – Operating in and around Texas, battling the Sabbat in Mexico
Malkavian – Raechel Reynard
Raechel Reynard, 7th Generation Malkavian- Malkavian Justicar
The Malkavian Justicar is relatively new to the position of Justicar, replacing the one for whom she was an Archon. Her influence amongst the Council is much stronger than would be expected for such a new Justicar. Rumors circulate that she is actually Lady Theophana, an Elder Childe of Malkav in disguise.
Raechel Reynard’s Archons:
- Andressen Poist – Malkavian – Based in New Orleans
- Joshua A. Norton – Malkavian – Based in San Francisco
- Boo – Malkavian – Raechel’s Envoy and Emissary
Nosferatu – Sergei Romanoff
Sergei Romanoff, 6th Gen Nosferatu – Nosferatu Justicar
Former Prince of Atlanta. Sergei has shown an interest in the affairs of Atlanta and has gone so far as to place Archons as his watchers over the city in the past.
Sergei’s Archons:
- Cock Robin – Nosferatu – Former Justicar.
- Moussa ibn Yacoub – Nosferatu – Has always known Damascus as his home, from his mortal years, past his embrace and straight into vampirism. Earned the Nosferatu’s attention because of his Roman Clientele and the secrets they shared with him. Came to lead the Damascus Nosferatu after the Baali destroyed his sire. The Baali’s destruction is his personal vendetta, and it’s one he is unwilling to share
- Petrodon – Nosferatu – Former Justicar in his own right.
Toreador – Archibald Tyrell
Archibald Tyrell, 8th Generation Toreador – Toreador Justicar
Tyrell is currently serving his second term as a Justicar; he has actually visited Atlanta in the past, and attended Elysia in the city.
Archibald Tyrell’s Archons:
- Giles de Streel – Toreador – Based in Amsterdam
- Keiser Antonelli – Toreador – Archibald’s envoy to Princes and his voice to them
- Katherine of Montpellier, the Muse – Toreador – Progeny of Theophano. Loremaster and inspiration for many great artists such as Dante Alighieri. Recently arose from torpor in 2000.
- Maxwell Prescott – Toreador –Professor of the Traditions.
Tremere – Ulugh Beg
Ulugh Beg, 6th Generation Tremere – Tremere Justicar
This Justicar, very active throughout Europe, is now serving his third term. His loyalty to the Camarilla and its advancement is unquestioned.
Ulugh Beg’s Archons:
- Joseph Recht – Tremere – Ulugh Beg’s arm of enforcement and envoy to Princes
- Mortigan – Tremere – Based in Washington D.C., formerly Regent of the Atlanta chantry
- Tarek Abdulnour – Tremere – Ulugh Beg’s chief investigator of Occult disturbances
- Magnus Akselvoll – Tremere – Based in Boston and involved in war against New York Sabbat
- Alexi Bolkonsky- Tremere- Instrumental in securing Chattanooga from the Sabbat and turning it into a Tremere Stronghold. Promoted in late 2013 to Archon. Still based in Chattanooga and at war with the Florida Sabbat.
- William Wynn Wescott – Tremere – Ulugh Beg’s Aide De Camp and Spymaster.
Ventrue – Lodin
Lodin, 5th Generation Ventrue – Ventrue Justicar (replaced by Lucinde, shake up in Ventrue Senate followed)
The Ventrue Justicar has much less political influence and power than one might suppose,as there have been significant private embarrasments and scandals among the Ventrue over the last 20 years) but as he is Lodin, he is universally feared and respected.
Caias’ Archons:
- Alexander Baskin – Ventrue – Based in Washington D.C., major influence in national politics.
- Emory Danielson – Ventrue – Based in London, rumored to control Interpol.
- Vittoria Hapsburg – Ventrue – Based in Berlin, responsible for German re-unification
- Leon Placid – Ventrue – The most mysterious of all of the Archons. Very little is known about Archon Placid save he is always exactly where he is needed. (deceased)
Assamite – Tegyrius
Tegyrius, 5th Generation Assamite Vizire – Assamite Justicar
With Al-Ashrad, led the Preservationist Assamites to join the Camarilla. For this, he was appointed their first Justicar.
Tegyrius’s Archons:
- Al-Ashrad – Assamite Sorcerer – The head of all assamite sorcerers is a childe of ur-Shulgi and was once Amr of the Assamite clan.